Hannukah-It’s time for a miracle

von Alexandra Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the happiest celebrations in the Jewish calendar and has special meaning in Israel. This eight-day festival begins on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev, which usually falls in December. Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem…


Almost like Christmas … the first rain!

Almost like Christmas … the first rain By Alexandra Funk You don’t notice autumn in Israel as usual by the leaves falling from the trees or the lower temperatures or the frequent rain. No! Autumn comes here almost creeping and silently. It remains a constant warm 30-35 degrees, it doesn’t rain either, the trees keep…

New Year’s Day in September?

The holidays after the summer holidays! Oh, how beautiful! The summer holidays were great, also it is good that they are over, and normal everyday life can start …. not so fast! Did you know, that September is the month with the most holidays? September is full (and, depending on the shifts in the Jewish…

4X4- Adventure next level

4X4- Adventure next level We love the Israeli wilderness and extensive hiking tours. Israel offers impressive trails and off-road routes to both directions the north and south. Many routes are thereby officially declared as such and maintained. In Germany there are also off-road areas but not in the size and distance order as in Israel.…